Wouter A. Van Hest
Co-Founder and Fabrication Director
Wouter has been involved in the maker scene for quite a few years already, but have never really put any of his projects out there for anyone. Over the years he has made furniture and a few other items for friends and family, but it was his involvement in TedxTokyo that made him realize that it was time to take the step and follow his passion.
Although he co-founded a startup in Japan, he couldn't share my successes (and failures!) with his wife who was working in Singapore. After a year apart, he knew it was time to follow his dream of creating a maker community and doing what he loved, and being with the one he loved, so he gave his notice and moved to Singapore in January.
The maker community here is vibrant but still young; there are so many great ideas and designers, but they lack the information and help that they need to make those ideas into reality. We can connect the experts to the right people and bring the maker community together to create something great.
He wants to launch people's dreams; whether it be a weekend hobby or a career path, he can help make it a reality.